The Suck Factor

Today we address something that most people are afraid of, I call it the suck factor I talk about the fact that everyone when first starting out will suck and what to do about it. Please share this episode with someone who needs to hear it. finding your voice, you are going to suck,

Your First Steps

In this episode I outline your first step in starting any new venture, defining your target market. I also give some examples of what this looks like. Please share if you know someone who needs to hear this show.

The Book That Wrecked Me

In this episode, I outline my first steps in the entrepreneurial space, and how one book plus selling and making some money on eBay ruined me for working for anyone else. I then explain what this means for you.

How I Got Started

Today I outline how I got started what my starting an online radio station has to do with podcasting today, and what my experiences mean for you. Please share if this is a show that you think someone needs to hear.

What it All About?

Download this episode now In this episode, I outline just what this show is about, who it is for, how often I plan to publish, and much more.  Please share if you think this is a show someone needs to hear.