What’s in your software stack?

In this episode of the Teresa Blaes show, I talk about selecting your software stack and outlining your customer journey I recommend some tools for doing so as well. This week’s sponsor is the  2xcredit system www.howtogetbusiness. credit Please subscribe rate in review and share if this episode is helpful.

Why should you take risks?

This week on the Teresa Blaes show, I talk about the value of risk and I give examples from the Bible of people who took risks when it was needed. And why you as an entrepreneur should have the same mindset. This week’s sponsor is www.howtogetbusiness.credit

What to do when you get punched in the face

 This week on the Teresa Blaes show, we talk about entrepreneurship and what happens when you get punched in the face by circumstances that may occur. We talk about the steps you should take to get yourself up off the bed and continue fighting. This week’s sponsor is the 2X credit system www.howtogetbusiness.credit Please subscribe … Read more